Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Self Employed? You Should Be Able to Get Cheap Health Insurance

Self Employed? You Should Be Able to Get Cheap Health Insurance

If you're self employed and uninsured, you may think that medical care and health insurance are unattainable. When you're barely able to make rent or mortgage payments, medical care is probably the last thing on your mind. However, you may be able to qualify for some good, but cheap health insurance.

If you're healthy and in good shape, then you may have a lot of options. If you have any long term illnesses or disorders, however, then some companies may unfortunately turn you away for having "pre-existing" conditions. Still, there are plenty of companies out there, so you may be able to find some cheap health insurance if you look hard enough.

You may also be able to check with your state's Health and Human Services to see if they offer any insurance discounts for low income individuals. If you have a family you want to insure also, you can check to see if there are any cheap health care plans for families in your state.

The fact of the matter is, there are plenty of cheap health insurance plans out there if you take the time to look. Even if you don't think you really need any, and that it will be an unnecessary expense, you could always get injured in an accident or become ill. Think about how much your business will suffer if you don't get the help you'll need! Cheap health insurance is a must not only for your own sake, but your family's and your business's as well.

Make sure you do research so you'll know which cheap health insurance plans will really be helpful for you. Even if you're on an extremely tight budget, there is an answer out there; all you need to do is look for it!


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