Saturday, April 18, 2009

Do You Qualify For Guaranteed Issue Health Insurance? Read This and Find Out!

Do You Qualify For Guaranteed Issue Health Insurance? Read This and Find Out!

Medical coverage can be very hard to obtain for some individuals, especially those with pre-existing health conditions, such as diabetes, cancer, and depression. These are the people who need health insurance the most, yet sadly it's very hard for them to get it. If you or anyone you love really need medical coverage, then you need to find guaranteed issue health insurance.

If you become employed by a good company, you may automatically be given guaranteed issue health insurance. However, if you are unemployed or self employed, then it may be hard to get. Still, there are laws in place that are supposed to help individuals such as yourself.

Wherever there are laws, however, there is also controversy. There have been arguments put forth from some who claim that if insurance companies provide coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, they will need to charge higher rates for everyone, including healthy people.

Fortunately, there are supporters of guaranteed issue insurance who argue the point that fairness needs to exist in our country's healthcare system, and that it is immoral to have a system that only favors healthy people. As long as there are proponents of guaranteed issue health insurance, there is a chance that you can qualify for it. There may be some criteria you need to meet, depending on your state laws, but you need to try getting all the quotes you can.

Take the time to read about guaranteed issue health insurance and what all it includes and doesn't include. There should be something out there for you, so never give up hope. All you need to do is some research, and you may find coverage before you know it!

Guaranteed issue health insurance - what is it exactly and how can you qualify? Are you eligible? What are the criteria? Find out all the answers to these questions - and more - by reading all you can about guaranteed issue health insurance.


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