Friday, May 8, 2009

17 Year Old Car Insurance - Are You a Parent Having Trouble Keeping Up With Payments?

17 Year Old Car Insurance - Are You a Parent Having Trouble Keeping Up With Payments?

It can be quite challenging for a 17 year old to find car insurance. Affordable plans are hard to come by-especially for younger drivers. Still, there are ways in which you can find inexpensive policies for your teen. There are also some things your son or daughter can do themselves to decrease the costs.

To begin with, they can drive a sensible vehicle. These days, fast, sports cars are considered to be high risk. Young drivers are better off waiting until their mid-twenties before driving fast cars. For now, make sure your teen is driving a not-so-risky vehicle in order to save a lot of money.

Sometimes, companies will give 17 year olds car insurance at discount prices if they make good grades. If your teen maintains good grades, check to see if this is an option in your area. If so, you could encourage your 17 year old to work hard at school by rewarding him or her with a car.

Try keeping your deductibles high. One way you can do this is by not turning any minor incidents in. Only inform the insurance companies whenever your vehicle is involved in a bad accident. If you keep the deductibles high enough, you can save a lot of money over the next few years.

Do some shopping around. There are comparison charts on the internet. You can also get free quotes online. Some sites even offer multiple quotes at once! See what you can find if you want your 17 year old to have car insurance.

Don't be letdown if you're having trouble keeping up with insurance payments for both you and your 17 year old. Car insurance for 17 year old teens can be affordable, and there are plenty of discounts that your teen may be eligible for.



  1. need car insurance for your teen or do I just insure the car? Car insurance for teenager

  2. Take some time to shop around online to get access to many auto insurance providers. This will hook you up to many car insurance providers and thus, you will have access to many quotes and you will get informed on the lowest rate, best service that suits you.
